small business entities
No small business is the same, and each comes with its own unique goals and legal needs. Our expertise in this area comes from real understanding of the problem-solving, planning, and care that goes into yours. From determining and establishing a legal framework to drafting, reviewing and negotiating contracts, to general counsel in anything your business may need, let's work together to develop your small business legal strategy and protection, as your business changes and grows.
Our small business legal services include:
- Start Up (LLC, S-Corp, C-Corp, Sole Proprietorships)
- Legal Strategy
- Partnership Agreements
- Contracts
- Buy-Sell Agreements
- Employment Agreements
- Non-compete agreements
- Tax
- Intellectual property, copyright and trademark
- Complex litigation, alternative dispute resolution, and arbitration
- General Counsel
succession planning
Many companies do not realize the importance of having a plan in place for gap filling, retaining key personnel, and helping businesses pass seamlessly from one generation to the next. Succession planning can secure healthy, smooth transitions, ensure continued business growth, prepare for successful business transfer while retaining enough assets to fund your retirement. We offer valuable insight into your unique business and goals, as well as tax planning.
Succession planning services include:
- Business transfer strategies
- Business valuation
- Tax planning
estate planning
There is peace of mind in having a plan in place to protect your family, businesses, assets and real property. We work to ensure a person's property or business passes according to his or her wishes, and in a way that is consistent with family and business goals — with minimal loss.
Estate planning legal services include:
- Wills
- Living Wills
- Powers of Attorney
- Tax efficiency and compliance
- Guardianship
- Philanthropic and endowment gifting strategies and development
- Trusts
- Will Disputes
- Executor or Administrator Services